Friday, February 20, 2009

Lazy lazy lazy

I did not mention that I is lazy lazy lazy and not a big fan of the vigourous commitment to classpaths - classpaths are the ban of my existence

someday I will come back to this

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Learning Eclipse

I decided to begin the process of mastering Eclipse. Of beginning the 10,000 times to work toward mastery of the eclipse environment. After years working with software that has hamstringing limitations it is time to build what I need.

I am not a complete newcomer to java - I have has a couple of professional training courses and at least one continuing education course in java. I am around java source code and I can do quick and dirty compiles to get patch in. These skills are not enough for what I want to do.

Today I worked on a plugin tutorial and built a hello world plug in panel. My first goal is to build a simple plug in for the udig client. I think it will be an identity window of some sort.